Then, as if still willing to leave the Frenchman one means of evasion, --"Do you not observe that this vault has already been broken into," continued he, "and that several statues have been knocked down?""My lord, you have, without doubt, heard that the religious respect of your Scots loves to confide to the statues of the dead the valuable objects they have possessed during their lives.Therefore, the soldiers had reason to think that under the pedestals of the statues which ornament most of these tombs, a treasure was hidden.They have consequently broken down pedestal and statue: but the tomb of the venerable canon, with which we have to do, is not distinguished by any monument.It is simple, therefore it has been protected by the superstitious fear which your Puritans have always had of sacrilege.Not a morsel of the masonry of this tomb has been chipped off.""That is true," said Monk.
Athos seized the lever.
"Shall I help you?" said Monk.
"Thank you, my lord; but I am not willing that your honor should lend your hand to a work of which, perhaps, you would not take the responsibility if you knew the probable consequences of it."Monk raised his head.
"What do you mean by that, monsieur?"
"I mean -- but that man ---- "
"Stop," said Monk; "I perceive what you are afraid of.Ishall make a trial." Monk turned towards the fisherman, the whole of whose profile was thrown upon the wall.
"Come here, friend!" said he in English, and in a tone of command.
The fisherman did not stir.
"That is well," continued he: "he does not know English.
Speak to me, then, in English, if you please, monsieur.""My lord," replied Athos, "I have frequently seen men in certain circumstances have sufficient command over themselves not to reply to a question put to them in a language they understood.The fisherman is perhaps more learned than we believe him to be.Send him away, my lord, Ibeg you."
"Decidedly," said Monk, "he wishes to have me alone in this vault.Never mind, we shall go through with it; one man is as good as another man; and we are alone.My friend," said Monk to the fisherman, "go back up the stairs we have just descended, and watch that nobody comes to disturb us." The fisherman made a sign of obedience."Leave your torch," said Monk; "it would betray your presence, and might procure you a musket-ball."The fisherman appeared to appreciate the counsel; he laid down the light, and disappeared under the vault of the stairs.Monk took up the torch, and brought it to the foot of the column.
"Ah, ah!" said he; "money, then, is concealed under this tomb?""Yes, my lord; and in five minutes you will no longer doubt it."At the same time Athos struck a violent blow upon the plaster, which split, presenting a chink for the point of the lever.Athos introduced the bar into this crack, and soon large pieces of plaster yielded, rising up like rounded slabs.Then the Comte de la Fere seized the stones and threw them away with a force that hands so delicate as his might not have been supposed capable of having.
"My lord," said Athos, "this is plainly the masonry of which I told your honor.""Yes; but I do not yet see the casks," said Monk.
"If I had a dagger," said Athos, looking round him, "you should soon see them, monsieur.Unfortunately, I left mine in your tent.""I would willingly offer you mine," said Monk, "but the blade is too thin for such work."Athos appeared to look around him for a thing of some kind that might serve as a substitute for the weapon he desired.
Monk did not lose one of the movements of his hands, or one of the expressions of his eyes."Why do you not ask the fisherman for his cutlass?" said Monk; "he has a cutlass.""Ah! that is true," said Athos, "for he cut the tree down with it." And he advanced towards the stairs.
"Friend," said he to the fisherman, "throw me down your cutlass, if you please; I want it."The noise of the falling weapon sounded on the steps.
"Take it," said Monk; "it is a solid instrument, as I have seen, and a strong hand might make good use of it."Athos only appeared to give to the words of Monk the natural and simple sense under which they were to be heard and understood.Nor did he remark, or at least appear to remark, that when he returned with the weapon, Monk drew back, placing his left hand on the stock of his pistol; in the right he already held his dirk.He went to work then, turning his back to Monk, placing his life in his hands, without possible defense.He then struck, during several seconds, so skillfully and sharply upon the intermediary plaster, that it separated into two parts, and Monk was able to discern two barrels placed end to end, and which their weight maintained motionless in their chalky envelope.
"My lord," said Athos, "you see that my presentiments have not been disappointed.""Yes, monsieur," said Monk, "and I have good reason to believe you are satisfied; are you not?""Doubtless, I am; the loss of this money would have been inexpressibly great to me: but I was certain that God, who protects the good cause, would not have permitted this gold, which should procure its triumph, to be diverted to baser purposes.""You are, upon my honor, as mysterious in your words as in your actions, monsieur," said Monk."Just now I did not perfectly understand you when you said that you were not willing to throw upon me the responsibility of the work we were accomplishing.""I had reason to say so, my lord."
"And now you speak to me of the good cause.What do you mean by the words `the good cause'? We are defending at this moment, in England, five or six causes, which does not prevent every one from considering his own not only as the good cause, but as the best.What is yours, monsieur? Speak boldly, that we may see if, upon this point, to which you appear to attach a great importance, we are of the same opinion."Athos fixed upon Monk one of those penetrating looks which seem to convey to him to whom they are directed a challenge to conceal a single one of his thoughts; then, taking off his hat, he began in a solemn voice, while his interlocutor, with one hand upon his visage, allowed that long and nervous hand to compress his mustache and beard, while his vague and melancholy eye wandered about the recesses of the vaults.