He laid his hand on her arm."My child, your mother is dying.Liff Hyatt came down to fetch me....Get in and come with us."He helped her up to the seat at his side, Liff Hyatt clambered in at the back, and they drove off toward Hamblin.At first Charity had hardly grasped what Mr.Miles was saying; the physical relief of finding herself seated in the buggy, and securely on her road to the Mountain, effaced the impression of his words.But as her head cleared she began to understand.She knew the Mountain had but the most infrequent intercourse with the valleys; she had often enough heard it said that no one ever went up there except the minister, when someone was dying.And now it was her mother who was dying...and she would find herself as much alone on the Mountain as anywhere else in the world.The sense of unescapable isolation was all she could feel for the moment; then she began to wonder at the strangeness of its being Mr.Miles who had undertaken to perform this grim errand.He did not seem in the least like the kind of man who would care to go up the Mountain.But here he was at her side, guiding the horse with a firm hand, and bending on her the kindly gleam of his spectacles, as if there were nothing unusual in their being together in such circumstances.
For a while she found it impossible to speak, and he seemed to understand this, and made no attempt to question her.But presently she felt her tears rise and flow down over her drawn cheeks; and he must have seen them too, for he laid his hand on hers, and said in a low voice: "Won't you tell me what is troubling you?"She shook her head, and he did not insist: but after a while he said, in the same low tone, so that they should not be overheard: "Charity, what do you know of your childhood, before you came down to North Dormer?"She controlled herself, and answered: "Nothing only what I heard Mr.Royall say one day.He said he brought me down because my father went to prison.""And you've never been up there since?"
Mr.Miles was silent again, then he said: "I'm glad you're coming with me now.Perhaps we may find your mother alive, and she may know that you have come."They had reached Hamblin, where the snow-flurry had left white patches in the rough grass on the roadside, and in the angles of the roofs facing north.It was a poor bleak village under the granite flank of the Mountain, and as soon as they left it they began to climb.The road was steep and full of ruts, and the horse settled down to a walk while they mounted and mounted, the world dropping away below them in great mottled stretches of forest and field, and stormy dark blue distances.
Charity had often had visions of this ascent of the Mountain but she had not known it would reveal so wide a country, and the sight of those strange lands reaching away on every side gave her a new sense of Harney's remoteness.She knew he must be miles and miles beyond the last range of hills that seemed to be the outmost verge of things, and she wondered how she had ever dreamed of going to New York to find him....
As the road mounted the country grew bleaker, and they drove across fields of faded mountain grass bleached by long months beneath the snow.In the hollows a few white birches trembled, or a mountain ash lit its scarlet clusters; but only a scant growth of pines darkened the granite ledges.The wind was blowing fiercely across the open slopes; the horse faced it with bent head and straining flanks, and now and then the buggy swayed so that Charity had to clutch its side.
Mr.Miles had not spoken again; he seemed to understand that she wanted to be left alone.
After a while the track they were following forked, and he pulled up the horse, as if uncertain of the way.
Liff Hyatt craned his head around from the back, and shouted against the wind: "Left----" and they turned into a stunted pine-wood and began to drive down the other side of the Mountain.
A mile or two farther on they came out on a clearing where two or three low houses lay in stony fields, crouching among the rocks as if to brace themselves against the wind.They were hardly more than sheds, built of logs and rough boards, with tin stove-pipes sticking out of their roofs.The sun was setting, and dusk had already fallen on the lower world, but a yellow glare still lay on the lonely hillside and the crouching houses.The next moment it faded and left the landscape in dark autumn twilight.
"Over there," Liff called out, stretching his long arm over Mr.Miles's shoulder.The clergyman turned to the left, across a bit of bare ground overgrown with docks and nettles, and stopped before the most ruinous of the sheds.A stove-pipe reached its crooked arm out of one window, and the broken panes of the other were stuffed with rags and paper.
In contrast to such a dwelling the brown house in the swamp might have stood for the home of plenty.
As the buggy drew up two or three mongrel dogs jumped out of the twilight with a great barking, and a young man slouched to the door and stood there staring.In the twilight Charity saw that his face had the same sodden look as Bash Hyatt's, the day she had seen him sleeping by the stove.He made no effort to silence the dogs, but leaned in the door, as if roused from a drunken lethargy, while Mr.Miles got out of the buggy.
"Is it here?" the clergyman asked Liff in a low voice;and Liff nodded.
Mr.Miles turned to Charity."Just hold the horse a minute, my dear: I'll go in first," he said, putting the reins in her hands.She took them passively, and sat staring straight ahead of her at the darkening scene while Mr.Miles and Liff Hyatt went up to the house.They stood a few minutes talking with the man in the door, and then Mr.Miles came back.As he came close, Charity saw that his smooth pink face wore a frightened solemn look.
"Your mother is dead, Charity; you'd better come with me," he said.