On reaching the deck, we went down to the cabin, where Jack threw himself, in a state of great dejection, on a couch; but the teacher seated himself by his side, and, laying his hand upon his shoulder, said, -"Do not give way to anger, my young friend.God has given us three days, and we must use the means that are in our power to free this poor girl from slavery.We must not sit in idle disappointment, we must act" -"Act!" cried Jack, raising himself, and tossing back his hair wildly; "it is mockery to balk of acting when one is bound hand and foot.How can I act? I cannot fight a whole nation of savages single-handed.Yes," he said, with a bitter smile, "I can fight them, but I cannot conquer them, or save Avatea.""Patience, my friend; your spirit is not a good one just now.You cannot expect that blessing which alone can insure success, unless you are more submissive.I will tell you my plans if you will listen.""Listen!" cried Jack, eagerly, "of course I will, my good fellow; Idid not know you had any plans.Out with them.I only hope you will show me how I can get the girl on board of this schooner, and I'd up anchor and away in no time.But proceed with your plans."The teacher smiled sadly: "Ah! my friend, if one fathom of your anchor chain were to rattle, as you drew it in, a thousand warriors would be standing on your deck.No, no, that could not be done.
Even now, your ship would be taken from you were it not that Tararo has some feeling of gratitude toward you.But I know Tararo well.
He is a man of falsehood, as all the unconverted savages are.The chief to whom he has promised this girl is very powerful, and Tararo MUST fulfil his promise.He has told you that he would do nothing to the girl for three days; but that is because the party who are to take her away will not be ready to start for three days.
Still, as he might have made you a prisoner during those three days, I say that God has given them to us.""Well, but what do you propose to do?" said Jack, impatiently.
"My plan involves much danger, but I see no other, and I think you have courage to brave it.It is this: There is an island about fifty miles to the south of this, the natives of which are Christians, and have been so for two years or more, and the principal chief is Avatea's lover.Once there, Avatea would be safe.Now, I suggest that you should abandon your schooner.Do you think that you can make so great a sacrifice?""Friend," replied Jack, "when I make up my mind to go through with a thing of importance, I can make any sacrifice."The teacher smiled."Well, then, the savages could not conceive it possible that, for the sake of a girl, you would voluntarily lose your fine vessel; therefore as long as she lies here they think they have you all safe: so I suggest that we get a quantity of stores conveyed to a sequestered part of the shore, provide a small canoe, put Avatea on board, and you three would paddle to the Christian island.""Bravo!" cried Peterkin, springing up and seizing the teacher's hand."Missionary, you're a regular brick.I didn't think you had so much in you.""As for me," continued the teacher, "I will remain on board till they discover that you are gone.Then they will ask me where you are gone to, and I will refuse to tell.""And what'll be the result of that?" inquired Jack.