is nothing but a prejudice! But if parricide is a prejudice, and if every child is to ask his father why he is to love him, what will become of us? What will become of the foundations of society? What will become of the family? Parricide, it appears, is only a bogy of Moscow merchants' wives.The most precious, the most sacred guarantees for the destiny and future of Russian justice are presented to us in a perverted and frivolous form, simply to attain an object- to obtain the justification of something which cannot be justified.'Oh, crush him by mercy,' cries the counsel for the defence; but that's all the criminal wants, and to-morrow it will be seen how much he is crushed.And is not the counsel for the defence too modest in asking only for the acquittal of the prisoner? Why not found a charity in the honour of the parricide to commemorate his exploit among future generations? Religion and the Gospel are corrected- that's all mysticism, we are told, and ours is the only true Christianity which has been subjected to the analysis of reason and common sense.And so they set up before us a false semblance of Christ! 'What measure ye mete so it shall be meted unto you again,' cried the counsel for the defence, and instantly deduces that Christ teaches us to measure as it is measured to us and this from the tribune of truth and sound sense! We peep into the Gospel only on the eve of making speeches, in order to dazzle the audience by our acquaintance with what is, anyway, a rather original composition, which may be of use to produce a certain effect- all to serve the purpose! But what Christ commands us is something very different: He bids us beware of doing this, because the wicked world does this, but we ought to forgive and to turn the other cheek, and not to measure to our persecutors as they measure to us.This is what our God has taught us and not that to forbid children to murder their fathers is a prejudice.And we will not from the tribune of truth and good sense correct the Gospel of our Lord, Whom the counsel for the defence deigns to call only 'the crucified lover of humanity,' in opposition to all orthodox Russia, which calls to Him, 'For Thou art our God!'"At this the President intervened and checked the over-zealous speaker, begging him not to exaggerate, not to overstep the bounds, and so on, as presidents always do in such cases.The audience, too, was uneasy.The public was restless: there were even exclamations of indignation.Fetyukovitch did not so much as reply; he only mounted the tribune to lay his hand on his heart and, with an offended voice, utter a few words full of dignity.He only touched again, lightly and ironically, on "romancing" and "psychology," and in an appropriate place quoted, "Jupiter, you are angry, therefore you are wrong," which provoked a burst of approving laughter in the audience, for Ippolit Kirillovitch was by no means like Jupiter.Then, a propos of the accusation that he was teaching the young generation to murder their fathers, Fetyukovitch observed, with great dignity, that he would not even answer.As for the prosecutor's charge of uttering unorthodox opinions, Fetyukovitch hinted that it was a personal insinuation and that he had expected in this court to be secure from accusations "damaging to my reputation as a citizen and a loyal subject." But at these words the President pulled him up, too, and Fetyukovitch concluded his speech with a bow, amid a hum of approbation in the court.And Ippolit Kirillovitch was, in the opinion of our ladies, "crushed for good."Then the prisoner was allowed to speak.Mitya stood up, but said very little.He was fearfully exhausted, physically and mentally.
The look of strength and independence with which he had entered in the morning had almost disappeared.He seemed as though he had passed through an experience that day, which had taught him for the rest of his life something very important he had not understood till then.His voice was weak, he did not shout as before.In his words there was a new note of humility, defeat and submission.
"What am I to say, gentlemen of the jury? The hour of judgment has come for me, I feel the hand of God upon me! The end has come to an erring man! But, before God, I repeat to you, I am innocent of my father's blood! For the last time I repeat, it wasn't I killed him!
I was erring, but I loved what is good.Every instant I strove to reform, but I lived like a wild beast.I thank the prosecutor, he told me many things about myself that I did not know; but it's not true that I killed my father, the prosecutor is mistaken.I thank my counsel, too.I cried listening to him; but it's not true that Ikilled my father, and he needn't have supposed it.And don't believe the doctors.I am perfectly sane, only my heart is heavy.If you spare me, if you let me go, I will pray for you.I will be a better man.Igive you my word before God I will! And if you will condemn me, I'll break my sword over my head myself and kiss the pieces.But spare me, do not rob me of my God! I know myself, I shall rebel! My heart is heavy, gentlemen...spare me!"He almost fell back in his place: his voice broke: he could hardly articulate the last phrase.Then the judges proceeded to put the questions and began to ask both sides to formulate their conclusions.But I will not describe the details.At last the jury rose to retire for consultation.The President was very tired, and so his last charge to the jury was rather feeble."Be impartial, don't be influenced by the eloquence of the defence, but yet weigh the arguments.Remember that there is a great responsibility laid upon you," and so on and so on.