第16章 Our Angel Boy(8)
Of course no one expected anything like that.You never knew what might happen when Leon did anything.He must have been about sixteen.He was a slender lad,having almost sandy hair,like his English grandfather.He wore a white ruffled shirt with a broad collar,and cuffs turning back over his black jacket,and his trousers fitted his slight legs closely.The wind whipped his soft black tie a little and ruffled the light hair where it was longest and wavy above his forehead.Such a perfect picture of innocence you never saw.There was one part of him that couldn't be described any better than the way Mr.Rienzi told about his brother in his "Address to the Romans,"in McGuffey's Sixth."The look of heaven on his face"stayed most of the time;again,there was a dealish twinkle that sparkled and flashed while he was thinking up something mischievous to do.When he was fighting angry,and going to thrash Absalom Saunders or die trying,he was plain white and his eyes were like steel.Mother called him "Weiscope,"half the time.I can only spell the way that sounds,but it means "white-head,"and she always used that name when she loved him most."The look of heaven"was strong on his face now.
"One,"said the recording secretary.
"Jesus wept,"answered Leon promptly.
There was not a sound in the church.You could almost hear the butterflies pass.Father looked down and laid his lower lip in folds with his fingers,like he did sometimes when it wouldn't behave to suit him.
"Two,"said the secretary after just a breath of pause.
Leon looked over the congregation easily and then fastened his eyes on Abram Saunders,the father of Absalom,and said reprovingly:"Give not sleep to thine eyes nor slumber to thine eyelids."Abram straightened up suddenly and blinked in astonishment,while father held fast to his lip.
"Three,"called the secretary hurriedly.
Leon shifted his gaze to Betsy Alton,who hadn't spoken to her next door neighbour in five years.
"Hatred stirreth up strife,"he told her softly,"but love covereth all sins."Things were so quiet it seemed as if the air would snap.
The mild blue eyes travelled back to the men's side and settled on Isaac Thomas,a man too lazy to plow and sow land his father had left him.They were not so mild,and the voice was touched with command:"Go to the ant,thou sluggard,consider her ways and be wise."Still that silence.
"Five,"said the secretary hurriedly,as if he wished it were over.Back came the eyes to the women's side and past all question looked straight at Hannah Dover.
"As a jewel of gold in a swine's snout,so is a fair woman without discretion.""Six,"said the secretary and looked appealingly at father,whose face was filled with dismay.
Again Leon's eyes crossed the aisle and he looked directly at the man whom everybody in the community called "Stiff-necked Johnny."I think he was rather proud of it,he worked so hard to keep them doing it.
"Lift not up your horn on high:speak not with a stiff neck,"Leon commanded him.
Toward the door some one tittered.
"Seven,"called the secretary hastily.
Leon glanced around the room.
"But how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity,"he announced in delighted tones as if he had found it out by himself.
"Eight,"called the secretary with something like a breath of relief.
Our angel boy never had looked so angelic,and he was beaming on the Princess.
"Thou art all fair,my love;there is no spot in thee,"he told her.
Laddie would thrash him for that.
Instantly after,"Nine,"he recited straight at Laddie:"I made a covenant with mine eyes;why then should I think upon a maid?"More than one giggled that time.
"Ten!"came almost sharply.
Leon looked scared for the first time.He actually seemed to shiver.Maybe he realized at last that it was a pretty serious thing he was doing.When he spoke he said these words in the most surprised voice you ever heard:"I was almost in all evil in the midst of the congregation and assembly.""Eleven."
Perhaps these words are in the Bible.They are not there to read the way Leon repeated them,for he put a short pause after the first name,and he glanced toward our father:"Jesus Christ,the SAME,yesterday,and to-day,and forever!"Sure as you live my mother's shoulders shook.
Suddenly Leon seemed to be forsaken.He surely shrank in size and appeared abused.
"When my father and my mother forsake me,then the Lord will take me up,"he announced,and looked as happy over the ending as he had seemed forlorn at the beginning.
"The Lord is on my side;I will not fear;what can man do unto me?"inquired Leon of every one in the church.Then he soberly made a bow and walked to his seat.
Father's voice broke that silence."Let us kneel in prayer,"he said.
He took a step forward,knelt,laid his hands on the altar,closed his eyes and turned his face upward.
"Our Heavenly Father,we come before Thee in a trying situation,"he said."Thy word of truth has been spoken to us by a thoughtless boy,whether in a spirit of helpfulness or of jest,Thou knowest.Since we are reasoning creatures,it little matters in what form Thy truth comes to us;the essential thing is that we soften our hearts for its entrance,and grow in grace by its application.Tears of compassion such as our dear Saviour wept are in our eyes this morning as we plead with Thee to help us to apply these words to the betterment of this community."Then father began to pray.If the Lord had been standing six feet in front of him,and his life had depended on what he said,he could have prayed no harder.Goodness knows how fathers remember.He began at "Jesus wept"and told about this sinful world and why He wept over it;then one at a time he took those other twelve verses and hammered them down where they belonged much harder than Leon ever could by merely looking at people.