第73章 26th December,1836
To the Rev.A.Brandram (ENDORSED:recd.Jany.6,1837)MADRID DECEMBER 26TH,1836.
REVD.AND DEAR SIR,-I am just arrived at Madrid in safety.It has pleased the Lord to protect me through the perils of a most dismal journey.I reached Cordova in three days,attended by the old Italian whom I mentioned in my last letter,for I could procure no other guide.From Cordova I have ridden to Madrid in the company of a CONTRABANDISTA,or smuggler,whose horses I insured,and to whom I am to give a gratuity of 42dollars.We passed through the horrible pass of Despena Perros in the Sierra Morena.
Providence here manifested itself;the day before,the banditti of the pass committed a dreadful robbery and murder by which they sacked 40,000REALS;they were probably content with their booty and did not interrupt me and my guide.We entered La Mancha,where I expected to fall into the hands of Palillos and Orejita.
Providence again showed itself.It had been delicious weather;suddenly the Lord breathed forth a frozen blast,the severity of which was almost intolerable;no human being but ourselves ventured forth;we traversed snow-covered plains and passed through villages and towns without seeing an individual;the robbers kept close in their caves and hovels,but the cold nearly killed me.We reached Aranjuez late on Christmas day,and I got into the house of an Englishman,where I swallowed nearly two bottles of brandy;it affected me no more than warm water.I am now at my journey's end,and shall presently fall to work,for I must lose no time,but profit by the present opportunity.All is quiet in Madrid and in the neighbourhood;Gomez has returned to Biscay.If my letter be somewhat incoherent,mind it not.I have just alighted,and the cold has still the mastery of me;I shall send a journal in a few days which will be more circumstantial.Write to my mother and say I am in safety.I shall write myself to-morrow,I can no more now.