What promise of future reward have you made me for all the submission and obedience I have evinced? -- none whatever.
What granted me? -- scarcely more.You tell me of M.Franz d'Epinay, your betrothed lover, and you shrink from the idea of being his wife; but tell me, Valentine, is there no other sorrow in your heart? You see me devoted to you, body and soul, my life and each warm drop that circles round my heart are consecrated to your service; you know full well that my existence is bound up in yours -- that were I to lose you Iwould not outlive the hour of such crushing misery; yet you speak with calmness of the prospect of your being the wife of another! Oh, Valentine, were I in your place, and did Ifeel conscious, as you do, of being worshipped, adored, with such a love as mine, a hundred times at least should I have passed my hand between these iron bars, and said, `Take this hand, dearest Maximilian, and believe that, living or dead, I am yours -- yours only, and forever!'" The poor girl made no reply, but her lover could plainly hear her sobs and tears.A rapid change took place in the young man's feelings."Dearest, dearest Valentine," exclaimed he, "forgive me if I have offended you, and forget the words Ispoke if they have unwittingly caused you pain.""No, Maximilian, I am not offended," answered she, "but do you not see what a poor, helpless being I am, almost a stranger and an outcast in my father's house, where even he is seldom seen; whose will has been thwarted, and spirits broken, from the age of ten years, beneath the iron rod so sternly held over me; oppressed, mortified, and persecuted, day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute, no person has cared for, even observed my sufferings, nor have I ever breathed one word on the subject save to yourself.Outwardly and in the eyes of the world, I am surrounded by kindness and affection; but the reverse is the case.The general remark is, `Oh, it cannot be expected that one of so stern a character as M.Villefort could lavish the tenderness some fathers do on their daughters.What though she has lost her own mother at a tender age, she has had the happiness to find a second mother in Madame de Villefort.' The world, however, is mistaken; my father abandons me from utter indifference, while my mother-in-law detests me with a hatred so much the more terrible because it is veiled beneath a continual smile.""Hate you, sweet Valentine," exclaimed the young man; "how is it possible for any one to do that?""Alas," replied the weeping girl, "I am obliged to own that my mother-in-law's aversion to me arises from a very natural source -- her overweening love for her own child, my brother Edward.""But why should it?"
"I do not know; but, though unwilling to introduce money matters into our present conversation, I will just say this much -- that her extreme dislike to me has its origin there;and I much fear she envies me the fortune I enjoy in right of my mother, and which will be more than doubled at the death of M.and Mme.de Saint-Meran, whose sole heiress Iam.Madame de Villefort has nothing of her own, and hates me for being so richly endowed.Alas, how gladly would Iexchange the half of this wealth for the happiness of at least sharing my father's love.God knows, I would prefer sacrificing the whole, so that it would obtain me a happy and affectionate home.""Poor Valentine!"
"I seem to myself as though living a life of bondage, yet at the same time am so conscious of my own weakness that I fear to break the restraint in which I am held, lest I fall utterly helpless.Then, too, my father is not a person whose orders may be infringed with impunity; protected as he is by his high position and firmly established reputation for talent and unswerving integrity, no one could oppose him; he is all-powerful even with the king; he would crush you at a word.Dear Maximilian, believe me when I assure you that if I do not attempt to resist my father's commands it is more on your account than my own.""But why, Valentine, do you persist in anticipating the worst, -- why picture so gloomy a future?""Because I judge it from the past."
"Still, consider that although I may not be, strictly speaking, what is termed an illustrious match for you, I am, for many reasons, not altogether so much beneath your alliance.The days when such distinctions were so nicely weighed and considered no longer exist in France, and the first families of the monarchy have intermarried with those of the empire.The aristocracy of the lance has allied itself with the nobility of the cannon.Now I belong to this last-named class; and certainly my prospects of military preferment are most encouraging as well as certain.My fortune, though small, is free and unfettered, and the memory of my late father is respected in our country, Valentine, as that of the most upright and honorable merchant of the city; I say our country, because you were born not far from Marseilles.""Don't speak of Marseilles, I beg of you, Maximilian; that one word brings back my mother to my recollection -- my angel mother, who died too soon for myself and all who knew her; but who, after watching over her child during the brief period allotted to her in this world, now, I fondly hope, watches from her home in heaven.Oh, if my mother were still living, there would be nothing to fear, Maximilian, for Iwould tell her that I loved you, and she would protect us.""I fear, Valentine," replied the lover, "that were she living I should never have had the happiness of knowing you;you would then have been too happy to have stooped from your grandeur to bestow a thought on me.""Now it is you who are unjust, Maximilian," cried Valentine;"but there is one thing I wish to know."
"And what is that?" inquired the young man, perceiving that Valentine hesitated.