We may easily conceive where Morrel's appointment was.On leaving Monte Cristo he walked slowly towards Villefort's;we say slowly, for Morrel had more than half an hour to spare to go five hundred steps, but he had hastened to take leave of Monte Cristo because he wished to be alone with his thoughts.He knew his time well -- the hour when Valentine was giving Noirtier his breakfast, and was sure not to be disturbed in the performance of this pious duty.Noirtier and Valentine had given him leave to go twice a week, and he was now availing himself of that permission.He had arrived;Valentine was expecting him.Uneasy and almost crazed, she seized his hand and led him to her grandfather.This uneasiness, amounting almost to frenzy, arose from the report Morcerf's adventure had made in the world, for the affair at the opera was generally known.No one at Villefort's doubted that a duel would ensue from it.
Valentine, with her woman's instinct, guessed that Morrel would be Monte Cristo's second, and from the young man's well-known courage and his great affection for the count, she feared that he would not content himself with the passive part assigned to him.We may easily understand how eagerly the particulars were asked for, given, and received;and Morrel could read an indescribable joy in the eyes of his beloved, when she knew that the termination of this affair was as happy as it was unexpected.
"Now," said Valentine, motioning to Morrel to sit down near her grandfather, while she took her seat on his footstool, -- "now let us talk about our own affairs.You know, Maximilian, grandpapa once thought of leaving this house, and taking an apartment away from M.de Villefort's.""Yes," said Maximilian, "I recollect the project, of which Ihighly approved."
"Well," said Valentine, "you may approve again, for grandpapa is again thinking of it.""Bravo," said Maximilian.
"And do you know," said Valentine, "what reason grandpapa gives for leaving this house." Noirtier looked at Valentine to impose silence, but she did not notice him; her looks, her eyes, her smile, were all for Morrel.
"Oh, whatever may be M.Noirtier's reason," answered Morrel, "I can readily believe it to be a good one.""An excellent one," said Valentine."He pretends the air of the Faubourg St.Honore is not good for me.""Indeed?" said Morrel; "in that M.Noirtier may be right;you have not seemed to be well for the last fortnight.""Not very," said Valentine."And grandpapa has become my physician, and I have the greatest confidence in him, because he knows everything.""Do you then really suffer?" asked Morrel quickly.
"Oh, it must not be called suffering; I feel a general uneasiness, that is all.I have lost my appetite, and my stomach feels as if it were struggling to get accustomed to something." Noirtier did not lose a word of what Valentine said."And what treatment do you adopt for this singular complaint?""A very simple one," said Valentine."I swallow every morning a spoonful of the mixture prepared for my grandfather.When I say one spoonful, I began by one -- now I take four.Grandpapa says it is a panacea." Valentine smiled, but it was evident that she suffered.
Maximilian, in his devotedness, gazed silently at her.She was very beautiful, but her usual pallor had increased; her eyes were more brilliant than ever, and her hands, which were generally white like mother-of-pearl, now more resembled wax, to which time was adding a yellowish hue.
From Valentine the young man looked towards Noirtier.The latter watched with strange and deep interest the young girl, absorbed by her affection, and he also, like Morrel, followed those traces of inward suffering which was so little perceptible to a common observer that they escaped the notice of every one but the grandfather and the lover.
"But," said Morrel, "I thought this mixture, of which you now take four spoonfuls, was prepared for M.Noirtier?""I know it is very bitter," said Valentine; "so bitter, that all I drink afterwards appears to have the same taste."Noirtier looked inquiringly at his granddaughter."Yes, grandpapa," said Valentine; "it is so.Just now, before Icame down to you, I drank a glass of sugared water; I left half, because it seemed so bitter." Noirtier turned pale, and made a sign that he wished to speak.Valentine rose to fetch the dictionary.Noirtier watched her with evident anguish.In fact, the blood was rushing to the young girl's head already, her cheeks were becoming red."Oh," cried she, without losing any of her cheerfulness, "this is singular! Ican't see! Did the sun shine in my eyes?" And she leaned against the window.