Part IV Translation
Although China developed its high-speed railway later than ① some developed countries, it has become a country with the fastest development of high-speed railway in the world in just ten years. In the course of steady and breathtaking development ②, China Railway High-speed (CRH) has gradually proved to the world its own capability in terms of infrastructure construction, operating mileage, technical experience, and operations and management. In recent years, either ③ during the diplomatic visits or ③ when foreign leaders visit China, China's leaders have introduced and recommended CRH to the outside world, making it a business card of ④ China's products and having the world witness China's strength. The export of CRH indicates to some extent that China has made a significant leap ⑤ of development from introduction of technology to independent innovation.
1.相比于……较晚:可译为later than,如果前后分别处理,单独把“相比于”翻译为compared with,句式则会显得过于复杂。
2.快速的发展:可译为fast development,考虑到第一句已经用过fastest,为了避免译文用词单调,可译为breathtaking development。
4.代表中国产品的名片:此处翻译时用了介词of来体现“代表”,更加简洁;如译为a business card that represents China's products则稍显烦琐。
5.重大飞跃:可译为a significant/great leap。