Word List 2

band/ bænd /n. 乐队;带子;镶边
[例] a jazz band 一支爵士乐队
budget/ ˋbʌdʒIt /n. 预算
[例] a family budget 家庭预算
unit/ ˋjuːnIt /n. 单元;单位
[例] an army unit 一支部队
harm/ hɑːm /n./vt. 伤害,损伤
[考] do harm to... 给…带来伤害: Being exposed to sunlight for a long time will do harm to one's skin. 长时间的阳光照射会对皮肤造成伤害。
[参] harmless(adj. 无害的)
wealth/ welθ /n. 财富
[记] 联想记忆: 健康(health) 是最大的财富(wealth)
[例] This country's wealth comes from its oil. 这个国家的财富来自石油。
else/ els /adv. 别的,其他的
[用] 用于不定代词或疑问词之后,表示“其他的,别的”: Get someone else to do it. 找别人做这件事吧。// What else did you do? 你还做了什么?
blow/ bləʊ /n. 击,打击 v.(blew, blown, blowing) 吹(气) ;刮风
[例] It was a great blow that he failed to pass the exam. 考试不及格给他带来了沉重的打击。
[考] 1. blow away 吹走 2. blow about 炫耀 3. blow down 刮倒 4. blow out 吹灭 5. blow up 使充气;爆炸

messy/ ˋmesi /adj. 乱七八糟的
[记] 发音记忆: “没洗”→好多衣服没洗,堆在那里乱七八糟的
[例] Jim's room was full of his child's messy toys. 吉姆的房间乱七八糟的,到处是他孩子的玩具。
wide/ waId /adj. 宽的,宽阔的;广泛的
[记] a wide river/road宽阔的河流/道路
edge/ edʒ /n. 边缘
[考] on the edge of 在…的边缘
pleasure/ ˋpleʒə /n. 高兴,愉快
[考] 1. take/find pleasure in sth./doing sth. 从(做) 某事中得到乐趣: More and more people take pleasure in stamp collection. 越来越多的人从集邮中找到了乐趣。2. It is a pleasure for sb. to do sth.= It is one's pleasure to do sth. 某人很高兴做某事: It is a pleasure for me to write to you. 我很高兴给你写信。
辨:it is a pleasure/my pleasure, with pleasure, for pleasure
It is a pleasure/my pleasure用于回答thank you; with pleasure用于回答别人的求助,表示欣然答应或乐意为之,如: — Could you do me a favor and take these books to my office? — 你能帮我个忙把这些书拿到我办公室吗?— With pleasure. — 愿意效劳。for pleasure是“为了消遣”的意思,如: She travels for business and for pleasure. 她旅行既是为了工作也是为了消遣。
collar/ ˋkɒlə /n. 衣领
[记] 和dollar(n. 美元) 一起记
[例] a white⁃collar worker 白领工作者
exchange/ IksˋtʃeIndʒ /n./v. 交换;交流;兑换
[记] 联想记忆:ex+change(变换)→双方相互换→交换,交流
[例] exchange of gifts 交换礼物 // We exchanged our opinions about the project at the meeting. 在会上,我们就这个项目交换了意见。
[考] 1. exchange a few words 交谈 2. in exchange 作为交换

interview/ ˋIntəvjuː /n./v. 采访;会见;面试
[记] 词根记忆:inter(相互) +view(看) →相互观察→会见;面试
[例] She has an interview this weekend. 她周末有个面试。
[参] interviewer(n. 会见者;面试官);interviewee(n. 被访问者;面试者)
bunch/ bʌntʃ /n. 串,束
[考] a bunch of 一束,一串,一群:a bunch of flowers 一束花
outside/ ˌaʊtˋsaId /n. 外面,外表,外界 adv. 在外面,向外面,出界 adj. 外面的,外表的 prep. 在…外
[例] On the outside, the house looked well cared for. 从外面来看,房屋保护得很好。// It is cold outside. 外面很冷。
[参] outsider(n. 外人,局外人)
try/ traI /v.(tried, tried, trying) 尝试,试图;努力
[用] 1. try to do sth. 尽力去做某事,但结果不确定: I'm trying to put everything in order in my new flat. 我想把新公寓里的所有东西都归置好。2. try doing sth. 尝试做某事: I try holding my breath to stop sneezing. 我试着屏住呼吸以止住打喷嚏。
[考] 1. try one's best 尽某人最大的努力 2. try on 试穿
find/ faInd /vt.(found, found, finding) 找到,发现;感到
[用] find可以接复合宾语,即find+宾语+宾补,注意: 宾语和宾补之间为被动关系时,宾补用过去分词: I find my mobile phone stolen. 我发现手机被偷了。可以接“宾语+宾补”的动词还有:ask, advise, call, consider(认为),choose, elect, find, force, feel(认为,觉得),hear, help, like, let, make, order, persuade, see, tell, watch等。
[考] find out 找出;认识到;获知: Could you find out what time the train leaves? 你能查出火车什么时间发车吗?
辨:find, look for
find, look for都有“找”的意思。但find意为“找到”,侧重于结果: I didn't find my shoes. 我没找到我的鞋。look for意为“找寻”,侧重于过程: I'm looking for my shoes, but I haven't found them yet. 我在找我的鞋,但还没找到。

space/ speIs /n. 空白处;空地;空间;太空
[例] Human beings must make good use of the space on the earth. 人类必须合理利用地球上的空间。
invite/ InˋvaIt /vt. 邀请;招待
[用] invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事: I am often invited to give talks to biology students in colleges. 我经常被邀请去给大学里生物学专业的学生作演讲。
[例] He wanted to invite them to dinner. 他想邀请他们共进晚餐。
[参] invitation(n. 邀请;请帖);uninvited(adj. 未被邀请的)
fan/ fæn /n.(电影、运动等的) 迷,狂热的爱好者、支持者;风扇
[记] 发音记忆: “粉丝”就是音译自fans
[例] Thousands of fans flooded into the hall as the superstar appeared. 当那位超级明星出现在大厅时,数千名“粉丝”如潮水般涌向那里。
score/ skɔː /n. [C] 得分,分数;二十;许多,很多 v. 得分
[用] score作“二十”讲的时候,单复数同形,比如: There are two score of boxes in this room. 这个房间里有40个箱子。而短语scores of是习惯用法,意思是“很多”,不代表具体的数字。
[例] There are still scores of boxes waiting to be checked. 还有许多箱子没有检查。
[考] scores of 许多,大量
fail/ feIl /v. 失败;不及格;衰退
[用] fail to do sth. 未能做成某事: They failed to finish the work on time. 他们没能按时完成工作。
[例] I failed my French test. 我的法语考试没及格。// His eyesight is failing. 他的视力正在衰退。
acute/ əˋkjuːt /adj. 尖锐的;敏锐的;严重的;(疾病)急性的
[记] 词根记忆:acu(尖端)+te→尖端的→尖锐的
联想记忆: 小猫可爱(cute),听觉敏锐(acute)
[例] It is urgent that the acute problem of water pollution in the city should be dealt with. 该城市水污染这一严重问题亟待解决。
辨:acute, keen, sharp
acute一般侧重指“人观察事物的敏锐度”,比如: The teacher gave us an acute analysis of the subject. 老师就这一题目给我们做了深刻的分析。keen则表示人的“敏锐”、“聪明”及“善于思索”,比如: He has a keen mind. 他头脑灵敏。sharp则是指人“有洞察力的,精明的”,比如: The man is very sharp and no one can cheat him. 那人精明得很,没人能骗得了他。
sleepy/ ˋsliːpi /adj. 想睡的,困倦的,瞌睡的
[例] On a summer day, the hot weather made Sara sleepy. 夏季的一天,炎热的天气使萨拉昏昏欲睡。
辨:sleepy, asleep, sleeping
sleepy意为“犯困的,想睡的”,比如: I feel sleepy. 我感觉很困。asleep意为“睡着的”,经常用来作表语,比如: She fell asleep. 她睡着了。sleeping意为“正睡着的”,可以作表语和定语,比如: The sleeping girl is a beauty. 那个正在熟睡的女孩很漂亮。
respond/ rIˋspɒnd /v. 回答;做出反应

[考] respond to... 对…做出反应: They usually respond to it in one of these three ways. 他们经常以这三种方式中的一种回应它。
anyhow/ ˋenihaʊ /adv. 不管怎样
[例] It may rain, but anyhow I shall go out. 可能要下雨,但无论如何我都要出门。
downtown/ ˌdaʊnˋtaʊn /n./adj. 市区(的),闹市区(的)
[例] downtown Manhattan 曼哈顿商业区
humour/ ˋhjuːmə /(美humor) n. 幽默,幽默感
[例] He has a good sense of humour. 他很有幽默感。
which/ wItʃ /pron. 哪一个;哪一些
[用] which引导定语从句时,可以指代前面整句话的内容: The weather turned out to be very good, which was more than we could expect. 结果天气非常好,这大大超出了我们的预期。
difference/ ˋdIfrəns /n. 不同
[例] There are a lot of differences between British English and American English. 英式英语和美式英语间有很多差异。
[考] make a difference 有影响,有作用
sense/ sens /n. 感觉,意识
[例] sense of sight 视觉 // sense of humor 幽默感
[考] make sense 有意义
disagree/ ˌdIsəˋgriː /vi. 意见不一致,持不同意见
[记] 词根记忆:dis(不)+agree(同意) →不同意→意见不一致
[考] 1. disagree with sb. 与某人意见不一: The woman disagrees with him. 这位女士和他意见不一。2. disagree on/about sth. 在某事上意见不一: They disagree about the suggestion. 他们对这条建议意见不一。
[参] disagreement(n. 意见不一致;争端)

dozen/ ˋdʌzn /n. 十二个;许多
[考] 1. a dozen 一打 2. dozens of 几十个,很多
compete/ kəmˋpiːt /vi. 比赛,竞赛
[记] 词根记忆:com(共同)+pet(追求,寻求)+e→追求同一个目标→竞赛
联想记忆: 比赛(compete) 有终结(complete),竞争无止境
[考] 1. compete with/against sb. in sth. 在某方面与某人竞争 2. compete with/against sb. for sth. 为了某事与某人竞争
guess/ ges /v. 猜,猜测;认为
[记] 联想记忆: 台湾的一个娱乐节目叫做I Guess“我猜我猜我猜猜猜”
[例] Harry guessed he was the only one in his class who is still looking for a job. 哈里猜他是班里唯一一个还在找工作的人。
sour/ ˋsaʊə /adj. 酸的
[例] If you leave milk on the table for a long time, it goes sour. 如果把牛奶长时间放在餐桌上,它会变酸的。

voyage/ ˋvɔIIdʒ /n. 航行,旅行
[记] 词根记忆:voy(路)+age→航行,旅行
[例] They made a voyage to the distant island. 他们航行去远方的小岛。
environment/ InˋvaIrənmənt /n. 环境
[记] 词根记忆:en(在…中)+viron(圆)+ment→自身所在的"圆"中→环境
[例] living environment 生存环境 // protect the environment 保护环境
1. The trees ______ in the storm have been moved off the road.(2008湖南)
A. being blown down B. blown down
C. blowing down D. to blow down
2. To gain honor for our country, we will try our best ______ the game.
A. competing in B. competing against
C. to compete with D. to compete in
3. — Would you mind answering some questions on shopping habits?
— ______ .(2013湖南)
A. Yes, with great pleasure B. No, I am afraid I can't make it
C. Yes, it is worth the time D. No, as long as it doesn't take long
4. She went to the bookstore and bought ______.(2006北京)
A. dozen books B. dozens books
C. dozen of books D. dozens of books
5. William found it increasingly difficult to read, for his eyesight was beginning to ______ .(2011全国1卷)
A. disappear B. fall C. fail D. damage
6. I have offered to paint the house ______ a week's accommodation.(2007山东)
A. in exchange for B. with regard to C. by means of D. in place of
7. We were astonished ______ the temple still in its original condition.(2010辽宁)
A. finding B. to find C. find D. to be found
8. — You know who came yesterday?
— Yao Ming? We had a basketball match.
— ______ He came and watched the game.(2006湖北)
A. You guessed it! B. How did you know that?
C. Well done! D. That was good news!
9. Please do me a favor — ______ my friend Mr. Smith to Youth Theater at 7:30 tonight.(2009湖南)
A. to invite B. inviting C. invite D. invited
10. Dogs have a very good ______ of smell and are often used to search for survivors in an earthquake.(2008浙江)
A. sense B. view C. means D. idea
11. She felt so ______ that she could hardly open her eyes.
A. sleepy B. asleep C. sleeping D. sleep
12. Since the time humankind started gardening, we ______ to make our environment more beautiful.(2014湖南)
A. try B. have been trying C. are trying D. will try
13. Anxiously, she took the dress out of the package and tried it on, only ______ it didn't fit.(2014天津)
A. to find B. found C. finding D. having found
14. Don't take too much of the medicine; it does you more harm than good if you ______.(2007江西)
A. do B. take C. like D. have
15. It is difficult for us to imagine ______ life was like for slaves in the ancient world.(2014天津)
A. where B. what C. which D. why