Word List 22

tension/ ˋtenʃn / n. 紧张(状态),不安;拉紧,绷紧;压力,张力
[记] 词根记忆:tens(伸)+ion→拉伸→拉紧;张力
联想记忆: 时尚(fashion)杂志可以让你缓解压力(tension)
[例] One of the best ways to relieve tension is to practise yoga in the evening. 减压的一个最好方法是晚上练瑜伽。
fool/ fuːl / n. 傻子,蠢人,白痴 v. 欺骗;做蠢事;游手好闲
[记] 联想记忆: 每年四月一日是“愚人节” April Fools' Day
[用] 想表达“捉弄某人,使某人成为笑柄”时,可以用make a fool of sb.,比如: The girl always makes a fool of her little sister. 那个女孩老是捉弄她的妹妹。
[例] The little girl is so clever that nobody can easily fool her. 那个小女孩非常聪明,没有人能轻易欺骗她。
[参] foolish(adj. 愚蠢的)
avoid/ əˋvɔId / vt. 避免,躲开,逃避
[记] 词根记忆:a(表加强)+void(空)→使落空→避免,躲开
[用] avoid doing sth. 避免某事发生: These measures can avoid people suffering road accidents. 这些措施可以让人免遭交通事故。
appointment/ əˋpɔIntmənt / n. 约会
[考] make an appointment 约定
drunk/ drʌŋk / adj. 醉的
[记] 联想记忆: 喝(drink) 多了自然会醉(drunk)
[例] drunk driving 酒后驾车 // He is slightly drunk. 他有点醉了。
sick/ sIk / adj. 有病的,患病的,不舒服的;(想) 呕吐的
[记] 联想记忆: 时钟滴答(tick),烦躁想吐(sick)
[用] sick表示“病了”,经常作定语;而ill不能作定语。“ 一个生病的男孩” 可以说a sick boy, 但不能说an ill boy。
[例] Peter has been off for two days because he is sick. 彼得因为生病已经两天没有上班了。
[参] sickness(n. 疾病,不健康)
phrase/ freIz / n. 短语,习惯用语
[例] What does the underlined phrase mean? 划线的短语是什么意思?
deal/ diːl / v.(dealt, dealt, dealing) 处理 n. 量,数额;交易
[用] 1. a great deal of... 大量(修饰不可数名词) 2. make a deal 成交 3. deal with 处理,解决: I don't know how to deal with it.(= I don't know what to do with it.) 我不知道该如何解决这个问题。
[参] dealer(n. 商人)
up/ ʌp / adv. 向上;在上方 adj. 上面的 n. 上升 v.(upped, upped, upping) 举起;提高 prep. 向高处
[例] She upped and left. 她起身走了。
[考] 1. up to 多达 2. be up to sb. 是某人的职责;由某人决定 3. ups and downs 沉浮;兴衰
dive/ daIv / vi. 跳水
[例] dive into the water 跳入水中

summary/ ˋsʌməri / n. [C] 摘要,概要
[记] 词根记忆:sum(总)+mary→摘要,概要
[例] Students' homework is to write a summary of the story. 学生们的作业是写故事梗概。
辨:summary, abstract
correct/ kəˋrekt / vt. 改正;纠正 adj. 正确的,对的;恰当的
[记] 词根记忆:cor(表加强)+rect(直,正)→使正→改正;纠正
[例] I don't think my English teacher's idea is correct. 我认为我们英语老师的观点不正确。
justice/ ˋdʒʌstIs / n. 正义,公正;司法
[记] 词根记忆:just(正义) +ice→正义,公正
[例] Judges should base their judgments on justice. 法官的判决应该建立在公正的基础上。
finish/ ˋfInIʃ / v. 结束,做完
[用] finish doing sth. 做完某事: I finished cleaning the room. 我打扫完房间了。
special/ ˋspeʃl / adj. 特别的;专门的
[例] Take special care tonight because the road is icy.路面结冰了,今晚要格外小心。// His special satisfaction comes from volunteer work. 他从义务服务中得到了格外的满足。
[参] specialist(n. 专家,专科医生);especial(adj. 特别的,特殊的)
fault/ fɔːlt / n. 过错,缺点,毛病
[考] 1. at fault 有责任,有错: My memory is at fault. 我记错了。2. it is sb.'s fault 是某人的失误 3. find fault with... 批评…,挑…的错
[参] faulty(adj. 有过失的,有缺点的)
reform/ rIˋfɔːm / n. 改革;改善 v. 改革,革新
[记] 词根记忆:re(重新)+form(形成)→重新形成→改革;改善
[例] The reform of educational system is warmly welcomed by teachers and students. 教育体系的改革受到了老师和学生们的热烈欢迎。
辨:reform, transform
/ friːz v.(froze, frozen, freezing)(使) 结冰
[记] 联想记忆:free(自由) +ze→让水失去自由→(使)结冰
[例] We will freeze those fruit in the refrigerator. 我们将把那些水果冻在冰箱里。
[参] frozen(adj. 冻结的;冷酷的)
nor/ nɔː / conj. 也不
[例] In this village of 1,000 persons, half cannot read nor write. 在这个有1000人的村子里,有一半人不会读和写。
at/ æt / prep. 在…;以…
[考] 1. at once 立刻 2. at a time 一次,每次 3. at times 有时 4. at table 在吃饭 5. at the age of... 在…岁时 6. be good at... 擅长做…
pity/ ˋpIti / n. 怜悯,同情;憾事
[考] 1. feel pity for... 可怜…: He felt no pity for that old man. 他对那个老人毫无怜悯之情。2. What a pity! 真遗憾!

credit/ ˋkredIt / n. 信用;信赖;贷方
[记] 词根记忆:cred(相信)+it→信赖
[例] credit card 信用卡
[考] 1. offer sb. credit 给某人提供赊账 2. give credit 信任,信赖
shame/ ʃeIm / n. 遗憾的事;羞愧
[例] Bill lowered his head with shame when he knew what he had done was wrong. 当意识到自己做了错事时,比尔羞愧地低下了头。
[参] shameful(adj. 不体面的);shameless(adj. 不知羞耻的)

graduate/ ˋgrædʒueIt / v. 毕业 / ˋgrædʒuət / n.(大学) 毕业生;研究生
[记] 词根记忆:grad(级)+uate→到达级别→毕业
[用] 注意:graduate 是瞬间动词,不能与时间段连用;想表示“毕业了多长时间”这种延续性概念时,可用be away from school。
[例] He graduated from Beijing Language and Culture University. 他毕业于北京语言文化大学。// middle school graduates 中学毕业生
[考] graduate from... 从…(学校) 毕业
[参] graduation(n. 毕业;毕业典礼)
heap/ hiːp / n. 堆 v. 堆起来
[例] There is a heap of sand. 那儿有一堆沙子。// He heaped all the plates on the table. 他把所有的盘子都堆在桌子上。
total/ ˋtəʊtl / adj. 总数的;总括的;完全的 n. 合计 vt. 合计为
[例] a total yearly budget 年度总预算 // He has a total of four hours of sleep each day. 他每天总共才睡四个小时。
[参] totally(adv. 总合地,完全地)
none/ nʌn / pron. 无任何东西或人
[用] none作主语时句子的谓语动词用单、复数均可: Trees were cut but none were/was planted. 人们只砍树,不栽树。// None of the telephones is/are working. 这些电话中没有一部是可以用的。
[考] second to none 最佳的,首屈一指的
辨:nobody, no one, none
1. nobody和no one只能指代人,none既可指代人又可指代物。2. no one和none后能接of, nobody无此用法,如: 能说no one of us或none of us而不能说nobody of us。3. nobody和no one作主语时,谓语动词用单数,none作主语时,谓语动词既可用单数也可用复数。
manage/ ˋmænIdʒ / vt. 管理;达成 vi. 应付过去
[记] 联想记忆:man(人) +age→人来管理→管理
[用] manage to do... 设法做到(manage后不可接doing): We managed to bring the price down. 我们设法把价格降了下来。
[例] She managed the school very well. 她把学校管理得井井有条。// Can you manage another piece of cake? 你还能再吃一块点心吗?// Although they can manage without each other, they do better together. 虽然没有对方他们也能应付,但在一起他们能做得更好。
[参] management(n. 管理);manager(n. 经理);managerial(adj. 管理的)
辨:manage to do sth. ,try to do sth.
manage to do sth. 表示“设法做某事”,并已经成功;try to do sth. 则表示“尽力,设法去做某事”,未必成功,如: We managed to solve the problem without your help. 我们在没有你帮助的情况下解决了这个问题。(问题已解决) // We tried to solve the problem without your help. 我们在没有你帮助的情况下尽力解决这个问题。(尽力去解决,但未必能解决)
raise/ reIz / vt. 举起;提高,使升高;饲养,养育
[记] 联想记忆: 即使把头抬高(raise)也看不到上涨(rise)的房价
[例] The oil company raised oil prices by more than 5 percent last month. 石油公司上个月将石油价格提高了5%以上。
辨:raise, rise
raise是及物动词,有“举起,抬起;抚养”的意思,可以用被动语态,比如: The boy was raised by his uncle. 那个男孩是他叔叔养大的。而rise表示“升起,上升”,是不及物动词,没有被动语态,如: The sun also rises. 太阳照常升起。
make/ meIk / vt.(made, made, making) 制造,做;使成为
[用] make后接复合宾语时,可以充当宾补的有名词、形容词、非谓语动词等。主要句型有: 1. make+宾语+do sth. 使宾语做某事: The announcement made the whole world cheer. 这个宣告使全世界的人都欢呼起来。// Mom made him clean up the plates. 妈妈让他洗盘子。 注意: 如改为被动句,宾补必须是to do的形式: He was made to clean up the plates by mom. 妈妈让他洗盘子。 可用于该句型的动词还有feel, hear, let, watch, see等。 2. make+宾语+adj. 使宾语…: Having fun with friends makes us happy. 和朋友一起玩儿会使我们快乐。可用于该句型的动词还有feel, find, think, drive等。 3. make+宾语+n. 使宾语成为…: The contest made her a star. 这次比赛使她成了明星。可用于该句型的动词还有elect, choose, consider, name, call等。 4. make+宾语+done, 使宾语被…: When we talk with others we make ourselves understood not just by words. 当我们与他人交谈时,并不仅仅靠语言来让别人理解。 5. 如果宾补是不定式或从句,常常使用形式宾语,即make+it+adj./n. +宾语: People in the west make it a rule to buy Christmas presents for their relatives and friends. 西方人把给亲朋好友买圣诞礼物作为一种惯例。可用于该句型的动词还有feel, find, think, believe等。
[考] 1. make money 挣钱 2. make bed 整理床铺 3. make a living 谋生 4. make use of 利用 5. make up of 构成 6. make up one's mind 下决心 7. make sure 保证,确保 8. make out 做;理解 9. make sense 有意义 10. make it 做成某事,成功
辨:be made from, be made of
两个词组都是“由…制成”的意思,be made from已经无法看出原料的性质、特征等,而be made of可以看出。如: This kind of paper is made from agricultural waste. 这种纸是由农业废料制成的。// The desk is made of wood. 这张桌子是木头做的。 注意: 当某物是由多种材料制成时,无论能否看出原料的性质、特征等,均用be made from。

describe/ dIˋskraIb / vt. 描写,叙述
[记] 词根记忆:de(表加强)+scribe(写)→描写
[例] The poem describes the moonlight on the lake. 这首诗描写的是湖光月色。
[参] description(n. 描述,描写)
grasp/ graːsp / vt. 抓住,紧握;领会
[记] 联想记忆: 他见到她宛如抓住(grasp) 一根救命稻草(grass)
[例] The boy climbed onto the wall and grasped the pole. 男孩儿爬上墙头抓住竿子。// Do you grasp what I mean? 你明白我的意思了吗?

desire/ dIˋzaIə / n./v. 渴望,期望
[例] The people all over the world desire peace. 全世界的人们都渴望和平。
[考] 1. have desire for... 渴望… 2. have desire to do sth. 渴望做某事:has no desire to eat 不想吃饭

until/ ənˋtIl / prep./conj. 直到…为止,在…以前
[用] 1. 主句谓语动词是延续性的,表示动作一直进行,到until表示的时间才停止: I watched her until she was out of sight. 我一直看着她,直到她从视野中消失。2. 主句谓语动词常为非延续性的,表示动作一直不发生,直到until表示的时间才发生: My uncle didn't marry until he was forty⁃five. 我叔叔直到45岁才结婚。3. Not until+时间状语(从句) + 助动词(did, will) +主语…,即否定词用于句子开头,句子部分倒装: Not until he was forty⁃five did my uncle marry. 我叔叔直到45岁才结婚。4. It+be+not until+时间状语(从句) +that...: It was not until he was forty⁃five that my uncle married. 我叔叔直到45岁才结婚。
辨:until, till
till和until可以用在口语和书面语中。until较till更为正式;until可以放在句首而till则不可,如: Until you finish your homework don't think about watching television. 除非你完成家庭作业,否则别想看电视。
excuse/ Ikˋskjuːs / n. 借口,理由 / Ikˋskjuːz / vt. 原谅,宽恕
[例] — I didn't know this was a one⁃way street, officer.
— Sorry, but that's no excuse.
— 交警同志,我不知道这是单行道。
— 很遗憾,但这不是理由。
[考] Excuse me. 对不起。/ 借过。/ 打扰一下。
jam/ dʒæm / v.(jammed, jammed, jamming)(使) 阻塞 n. 果酱;阻塞
[例] The fax machine has jammed again. 传真机又卡住了。
[考] traffic jam 塞车

get/ get / vt.(got ,got, getting) 得到,获得 link.v. 变得;到达
[用] 1. get+adj. 变得…: Is your headache getting better? 你头疼好点儿了吗?2. get可以接复合宾语,宾补常是不定式、介词短语、过去分词或形容词: I will get my brother to help you. 我叫我弟弟来帮你。// You can't get eight people into that car. 你没法让八个人坐进那辆车里去。
[例] It's getting dark outside. 天黑了。
[考] 1. get along/on(well) with... 与…相处(得好) 2. get down to... 开始认真做… 3. get rid of 摆脱,除去 4. get through 通过;打通(电话) 5. get out of 从…出来 6. get away 逃脱,离开 7. get across 通过;理解 8. get over 克服;恢复 9. get ready to do... 准备好做… 10. get in/into 进入,到达 11. get out 出去 12. get up 起床13. get off 下来;出发 14. get around 四处走动;传播开来 15. get used to doing... 习惯做…
earn/ ɜːn / vt. 挣得,赚得
[例] earn money 赚钱 // earn profit 获得利润
[考] earn one's living 谋生
1. I tried phoning her office, but I couldn't ______.(2009全国1卷)
A. get along
B. get on
C. get to
D. get through
2. In many people's opinion, that company, though relatively small, is pleasant ______.(2010四川)
A. to deal with
B. dealing with
C. to be dealt with
D. dealt with
3. You have to ______ a choice. Are you going to leave the job or stay?(2008四川)
A. decide
B. get
C. do
D. make
4. — I'm surprised to hear that Sue and Paul have ______.
— So am I. They seemed very happy together when I last saw them.(2009江苏)
A. broken up
B. finished up
C. divided up
D closed up
5. — When shall we restart our business?
— Not until we ______ our plan.(2010四川)
A. will finish
B. are finishing
C. are to finish
D. have finished
6. He had hoped ______ this term, but he couldn't finish his thesis in time.
A. him to graduate
B. that he graduate
C. he would graduate
D. his graduation
7. Your house is always so neat — how do you ______ it with three children?(2010山东)
A. manage
B. serve
C. adapt
D. construct
8. Although Rosemary had suffered from a serious illness for years, she lost ______ of her enthusiasm for life.(2013陕西)
A. some
B. neither
C. none
D. all
9. — We're organizing a party next Saturday, and I'd like you to come.
— ______! I have another one that day. Thank you just the same.(2009天津)
A. Good luck
B. What a pity
C. Never do it again
D. Well done
10. Those T⁃shirts are usually $35 each, but they have a ______ price of $19 in the Shopping Center.
A. particular
B. especial
C. special
D. cheap
11. It ______ we had stayed together for a couple of weeks ______ I found we had a lot in common.(2007浙江)
A. was until; when
B. was until; that
C. wasn't until; when
D. wasn't until; that
12. One of the best ways for people to keep fit is to ______ healthy eating habits.(2006湖北)
A. grow
B. develop
C. increase
D. raise
13. I refuse to accept the blame for something ______ was someone else's fault.(2010全国2卷)
A. who
B. that
C. as
D. what
14. The medicine works more effectively ______ you drink some hot water after taking it.(2009浙江)
A. as
B. until
C. although
D. if
15. — When shall we start?
— Let's ______ it at 8:30. Is that all right?(2002北京)
A. set
B. meet
C. make
D. take
The brotherly spirit of science, which unites into one family all its votaries of whatever grade, and however widely dispersed throughout the different quarters of the globe.
——美国总统 罗斯福(Franklin Roosevelt, American President)