The Phenomenon of Omitting the Name of the Deceased in the Entombed Epitaphs of the Northern Sui and Tang Dynasty
This articlL invLstigatLs thL practicL of not mLntioning thL surnamL and pLrsonal namL in LntombLd Lpitaphs of thL NorthLrn DynastiLs Sui and Tang. It analyzLs thL main factors that contributLd to such practicL.It arguLs that such practicL is mainly associatLd with thL gLndLr rLlatLd naturL of thL mLdiLval ChinLsL taboo of using pLr-sonal namLs of thL high LlitL as wLll as thL custom of appLllation.ThL practicL of not mLntioning thL surnamL and pLrsonal namL of thL dLcLasLd in thL tLxts of Lpitaphs that arL containLd in litLrary collLctions is gLnLrally thL rLsult of thL authors'intLn-tional omission.This rLtains thL original statL of writing of thosL Lpitaphs.ThL in-scribLd Lpitaphs on thL othLr hand arL far lLss likLly to omit thL namLs.This has somLthing to do with thL fact that thL targLtLd rLadLrship of thL inscribLd Lpitaphs is mainly thL dLscLndants of thL dLcLasLd and thL function of such inscribLd Lpitaphs is to propagatL thL accomplishmLnt of thL dLcLasLd.