[1]See WIPO,Doc.CRNR/DC/4,Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of the Treaty on Certain Questions Concerning the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works to be considered by the Diplomatic Conference(1996),prepared by the Chairman of the Committees of Experts on a Possible Protocol to the Berne Convention and on a Possible Instrument for the Protection of the Rights of Performers and Producers of Phonograms,Article 13;WIPO,Doc.CRNR/DC/5,Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of the Treaty for the Protection of the Rights of Performers and Producers of Phonograms to be considered by the Diplomatic Conference(1996),prepared by the Chairman of the Committees of Experts on a Possible Protocol to the Berne Convention and on a Possible Instrument for the Protection of the Rights of Performers and Producers of Phonograms,Notes on Article 22.
[2]See Mihaly Ficsor,Protection of“DRM”under the WIPO“Internet Treaties”Interpretation,Implementation and Application,in Irini A.Stamatoudi,Copyright Enforcement and the Internet(ed),Kluwer Law International BV(2010),pp.270271.