Burberry—Great company makes great brand 伟大的集团培养伟大的品牌:巴宝莉
巴宝莉(Burberry)是英国超级名牌,产品项目由儿童到成人都有,市场渗透率在高端品牌上极高。它于1856年诞生,由当年仅21岁的托马斯·巴宝莉(Thomas Burberry)创办,并在英国贝辛斯托克(Basingstoke)开了第一间店子。值得注意的是,他在1879年研发了一种名为“华达呢”(Gabardine)的斜纹布,可防水透气,于1888年取得专利,被当时的英国军官用作雨衣,也深受大众喜爱。1901年的风衣更被英王爱德华七世定为英军军服! 1910年,巴宝莉推出女装, 而经典的方格图案在20世纪20年代被打造为干湿褛的内衬,更用于行李箱及饰物上。90年代,巴宝莉更在女装上大展拳脚,请来设计师罗伯托·麦尼切蒂(Roberto Menichetti )来为品牌定位。当然,将品牌推上更高峰的是2001年成为设计师的克里斯托弗·贝利(Christopher Bailey)。此外,巴宝莉也十分注重年轻化,于2013年春夏找来英国足球巨星大卫·贝克汉姆的次子罗密欧穿上经典风衣大卖广告。其产品线包罗万象,在日本更是特别受欢迎,所以他们有为年轻女性而设的蓝色标签(Blue Label)及年轻男性的黑色标签(Black Label) 。2011年,巴宝莉中国旗舰店在北京耀莱新天地开业,该店为三层,面积达1200平方米,是该品牌在亚洲最大的旗舰店。
我非常欣赏克里斯托弗的天分,将男装、女装都做得很好, 更在2014年初以43岁之龄成为CEO,拥有2800万英镑酬金加股份,真羡慕死人!
Burberry is a super brand in the UK. Product lines varie from kids to adults. The market segementation of Burberry is very wide in high end brands. It was founded by Thomas Burberry at the age of 21 in 1856 and his first shop was open in Basingstoke, UK. The most remarkable thing he did was he invented a fabric of twill called “Gaberdine” which was water resistant and breathable. In 1888, they obtained a franchaise and helped make raincoats for the British army. In 1901 it was commissioned by Edward VII to adapt its army to wear the“trenchcoat” as named. In 1910, Burberry launched women's wear. And the classic check pattern was created as linings for coats in the 1920s. Later on, it was applied to trunks and accessories. In the 1990s, Burberry wanted to expand their women's line and so they hired a designer Roberto Menichetti to develop it. But the most successful performance was done by the designer Christopher Bailey since 2001. Besides, the brand goes young and so in 2013 spring/summer they had got the Brit football star David Beckham's son Romeo to do advertising. What is more, product lines are so varied, like in Japan, their products are very successful. Hence they created Blue Label for young ladies and Black Label for young men in Japan. In 2011, the flagship store of Burberry is set up at Yiu New World in Beijing. It has three storeys and it is about 1200 square metres, and alleged as the biggest flagship store in Asia.
I admire Christopher Bailey because of his talent who can make both men's and women's wear excellent. In early 2014, he was even promoted as CEO at the age of 43 and had got £28 million pay package. We are jealous!
The all time classic Burberry fascinates people from different generations.
Shop in Hong Kong: 6 Ice House Street, G5f/101a Alexandra House, Hong Kong.
香港地址: 香港雪厂街6号历山大厦g5f/101a
Illustration/插图: Alice Cheung Suk Ying