This chapter introduced us to the key technologies and concepts we can use to get started with reinforcement learning. The first two sections described two OpenAI Tools, OpenAI Gym and OpenAI Universe. These are collections that contain a large number of control problems that cover a broad spectrum of contexts, from classic tasks to video games, from browser usage to algorithm deduction. We learned how the interfaces of these environments are formalized, how to interact with them, and how to create a custom environment for a specific problem. Then, we learned how to build a policy network with TensorFlow, how to feed it with environment states to retrieve corresponding actions, and how to save the policy network weights. We also studied another OpenAI resource, Baselines. We solved problems that demonstrated how to train a reinforcement learning agent to solve a classic control task. Finally, using all the elements introduced in this chapter, we built an agent and trained it to play a classic Atari video game, thus achieving better-than-human performance.
In the next chapter, we will be delving deep into dynamic programming for reinforcement learning.