Memory management
All of the memory management functions that libc provides are considered POSIX APIs as well. In addition, there are some POSIX-specific memory management functions that libc doesn't provide, such as aligned memory.
For example, the following demonstrates how to allocate aligned dynamic (heap) memory using POSIX:
#include <iostream>
int main()
void *ptr;
if (posix_memalign(&ptr, 0x1000, 42 * sizeof(int))) {
std::clog << "ERROR: unable to allocate aligned memory\n";
std::cout << ptr << '\n';
// > g++ -std=c++17 scratchpad.cpp; ./a.out
// 0x55c5d31d1000
In this example, we use the posix_memalign() function to allocate an array of 42 integers, which is aligned to a page. This is a POSIX-specific function.
In addition, we leverage the std::clog() function to output an error to stderr, which, under the hood, leverages POSIX-specific functions for outputting character strings to stderr. We also use ::exit(), which is a libc and POSIX function for exiting an application.
Finally, we leverage both the std::cout() and free() functions. std::cout() uses POSIX functions to output character strings to stdout, while free() is both a libc and POSIX-specific function for freeing up memory.
In this simple example, we are leveraging several C, C++, and POSIX-specific functionalities to perform system programming. Throughout this book, we will discuss how to leverage POSIX heavily to program the system to accomplish specific tasks.