Mastering ROS for Robotics Programming(Second Edition)


In this chapter, we mainly replicated things already done in the previous chapter with Gazebo, using another simulator: V-REP. V-REP is a multi-platform simulation software that integrates different technologies and is very versatile. With respect to Gazebo, V-REP could appear easier to use for new users.

In this chapter, we simulated two robots, one imported using the URDF file of the seven-DOF arm designed in previous chapters, and the other was a popular differential wheeled robot provided by V-REP simulation models. We learned how to interface and control robot joints of our model with ROS and how to move a differential drive mobile robot using topics. In addition, we discussed how to add different type of sensors in our simulation scene, improving the equipment of the simulated mobile robot with a laser and a 3D vision sensor. Finally, we discussed how to connect a rgb-d sensor simulated in V-REP with the ROS framework.

In the next chapter, we will see how to interface the robotic arm with the ROS MoveIt package and the mobile robot with the Navigation stack.