Learning AirWatch

Chapter 2. Administration

Now that the infrastructure is set up, we can take a look at the administration of AirWatch by VMware. AirWatch has provided a centralized web-based console to manage its EMM suite, or as its being referred to more often these days, a single pane of glass for management.

As Admin Console is web based, there is no requirement for additional software, plugins, and so on. The latest browser on your desktop will allow you to simply log on and manage your environment. This is a significant benefit over other products that I have had to manage that require additional installations, plugins, configurations, and so on to manage them.

AirWatch Admin Console has improved quite a lot as it's grown from version to version. Currently, at the time of writing this, Admin Console is at Version 7.3. The console is very simple to learn and administrate. As we take our journey through this chapter, I will guide you through all sections of the console, so you'll have a full understanding of where everything is and where to navigate to manage each piece of the EMM suite.

The following will be covered in this chapter:

  • Accessing Admin Console
  • The Getting Started wizard
  • Admin Console overview
  • Admin Console in detail