02 盖茨基金会拟捐赠21亿美元支持女性事业
全文共567个词, By Joshua Chaffin in New York
The Gates Foundation is pledging to donate $2.1bn to support women’s economic and health issues in its first major initiative since the world’s largest philanthropic group was jolted by the announcement last month that its co-chairs, Bill Gates and Melinda French Gates, were ending their marriage.
盖茨基金会(Gates Foundation)承诺捐赠21亿美元,支持在经济和健康方面帮助女性的事业。就在5月,该基金会受到其联合主席比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)和梅琳达·弗伦奇·盖茨(Melinda French Gates)宣布离婚的震动,而此举是这家世界最大慈善组织自那以来的首个重大举措。
The issue of gender equality is dear to French Gates, a former Microsoft executive, who has in recent years embraced it as her overriding mission. In addition to the Gates Foundation, she also operates a $5bn investment fund, Pivotal Ventures, devoted to women’s causes.
身为微软(Microsoft)前高管的梅琳达很关心性别平等问题,近年来将其视为自己的首要使命。除了盖茨基金会以外,她还运营着致力于女性事业的50亿美元投资基金Pivotal Ventures。
But the Gates Foundation’s support for women’s issues has become awkward after reports emerged about Bill Gates’s relationship with Jeffrey Epstein, the financier who killed himself in his jail cell in 2019 while awaiting trial over charges that he trafficked underage girls.
但在媒体报道比尔·盖茨与被控贩卖未成年女孩、2019年在羁押候审期间在牢房自杀身亡的金融家杰弗里·爱泼斯坦(Jeffrey Epstein)有交情之后,盖茨基金会对女性事业的支持变得尴尬。
A spokesperson has said Gates regretted meeting Epstein, and that he had done so only to discuss philanthropic projects.
The latest pledge money will be donated over five years, and spread across three broad categories: $650m for economic empowerment, in part by supporting family care and other unpaid tasks that fall heavily on women; $1.4bn for family planning and contraceptives; and $100m to help women vault into leadership roles in business, politics and other arenas.
The donation coincides with the Generation Equality Forum, a UN-sponsored event that will bring together governments and non-profit groups for three days in Paris to advance the cause of gender equality.
此次捐赠正值“世代平等论坛”(Generation Equality Forum)召开,由联合国赞助的这项活动将让各国政府和非营利组织在巴黎齐聚一堂,为期三天,旨在推进性别平等事业。
That mission, say backers, has been given fresh impetus by the coronavirus pandemic, which has taken a disproportionate economic toll on women by pushing them out of the workforce and forcing them to shoulder a greater burden of family care.
In a statement, French Gates said: “The world has been fighting for gender equality for decades but progress has been slow. Now is the chance to reignite a movement and deliver real change.”
The announcement comes at a moment of tumult for the $50bn Gates Foundation, which is funded by the fortune Gates amassed as co-founder of Microsoft.
When they announced their marital split, Gates and French Gates insisted they remained committed to its mission and would continue to work together.
But some former executives have questioned whether the philanthropic juggernaut can continue to operate as it is currently constituted. Those concerns deepened after Warren Buffett, the Berkshire Hathaway chair who has committed most of his fortune to the foundation, announced last week that he was resigning as a trustee.
但一些前高管质疑这家慈善巨擘能否继续在现行的结构下运营。加深这些担忧的是,伯克希尔哈撒韦公司(Berkshire Hathaway)董事长、已承诺把自己的大部分财产捐给该基金会的沃伦·巴菲特(Warren Buffett)上周宣布,他将辞去受托人职务。
Mark Suzman, the foundation’s chief executive, has told staff that he will unveil additional changes to its governance next month.
该基金会的首席执行官马克·苏斯曼(Mark Suzman)已告诉员工,他将在7月公布治理方面的新变化。
In a statement announcing the $2.1bn pledge, Gates said: “Prioritising gender equality is not only the right thing to do, it is essential to fighting poverty and preventable disease.”
Meanwhile, the foundation also presented fresh economic data illustrating how the pandemic has exacerbated gender inequality by pushing women out of the workforce in disproportionate numbers.
According to data from the International Labour Organization, unemployment among women increased by 13m between 2019 and 2020 — and is projected to rise by another 2m this year — while men have largely recovered jobs lost during the pandemic.
“Gender equality is an economic necessity,” French Gates wrote in a separate letter. “One of the main reasons economies were so fragile in the first place was that women were marginalised. And those economies will never bounce back if their leaders continue to marginalise women.”
本文6月30日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为 Gates Foundation pledges to donate $2.1bn to women’s causes