04 somebody/something is stigmatized
该短语的意思是“某事物或某人受到歧视”,在描述像离婚、单身母亲以及种族等话题时经常可以用到该表达。比如:Single mothers often feel that they are stigmatized by society.单身母亲常常感到自己受到了社会的歧视。
Do you think the rate of divorce has increased in recent years?
Yes, the rate of divorce has indeed increased in recent years. This could be due to several factors. Firstly, societal norms have changed significantly over the past few decades. Divorce is no longer stigmatized as it used to be, and people are now more aware of their rights and are less likely to stay in unhappy marriages. Additionally, with the rise of social media and dating apps, people may be tempted to explore options outside their marriage.
是的,近年来离婚率确实有所上升。这可能是由几个因素造成的。首先,在过去几十年里,社会规范发生了重大变化。离婚不再像以前那样被污名化(be stigmatized)。人们现在更加了解自己的权利,也越来越不愿意维持不幸福的婚姻。此外,随着社交媒体和约会应用软件的兴起,人们可能会受到诱惑,去探索婚姻之外的选择。